"What a [cutting-edge] piece of [art]" is the greeting/subtitle on this witty, fun, and utterly nerdy (in a good way!) blog. Hoostown chronicles the exploits of a Charlottesville, VA-to-Houston, TX transplant (those in the know will not understand the meaning of the title) in the pursuit of a Masters in Fine Arts.
More importantly, it's written by a very dear friend of mine, sister of my BESTBEST friend, and herself a BEST friend (um, that's a bit arbitrary, but i can only have one BESTBEST). We grew up in each other's lives and I started reading the blog out of a desire to keep in touch.
However, the familial focus ends there. I CONTINUE reading because this shit is hysterical:
This Just In
Domestic Situation
Thao and the Get Down Stay Down (I went to school with 2 of these people)
So anyway, I encourage you to read this excellently written, hysterical, always grammatically correct blog.
Hello world!
5 months ago
More than anything else, I appreciate your review of my grammar. Careless blogging is a travesty up with which I will not put.
Also, just realized when I was typing in the name of my own blog that I'm a single character away from "Hostown." So spelling's important too. Hoos before hos, & whatnot.
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