There's a lot of soul-baring going on around these parts lately, and I figure I should keep it up. Today's post is about my friend Seth.
In a lot of ways, Seth has been a brother to me. I know, I know, I have a brother, but Will, for all his current wisdom, charm, and maturity, was not always that way. In fact, when we were younger, we didn't get along due to the age difference (4 years). I was mean to Will, too mean, and I am trying to make amends for that now. There will be a post in the near future about that. What I mean, though, is that Seth filled the role of compatriot and partner-in-crime from the time we were 7 until now. I assume this will continue into the future, even as our lives take us in different directions.
How we met is sort of irrelevant, because it didn't make a difference how long we had known each other--it was like we had always been friends. I think I spent about three quarters of my weekends in middle school with Seth, either at his house or mine, staying up late, watching rented VHS's and eating popcorn made in a cast iron pot topped with soy sauce. We would laugh, talk about poop and farts, as young boys will do, and go to sleep usually after several reminders by parents to shut the hell up. We were not a quiet pair.
Over the years, Seth has been one of the very few people I have always been able to go to for advice. And more often than not, the advice given was truthful, hard to swallow, and abusively delivered. This has always been the way we worked. Somehow we are always able to vent our frustration with the world on each other and allow it to build us up, not tear us down. Seth has always been the "friend approval" I look for when I embark on relationships, and lacking this I inevitably feel as if I might be doing something wrong.
From the moment we first got in trouble for making faces at each other at Seth's sister's Bat Mitzvah (he was in the front row, I was up behind in the mezzanine, how the hell did we think other people wouldn't see?), we've been partners in crime. We've broken every type of furniture known to mankind, had some rough mornings after nights of drinking, played pranks on each other and our siblings, And one incident that went like this: "Hey, if we open the window when we play music it won't be as loud in here!" Cue complaints by neighbors. We've worked together, gotten in trouble for laughing too much, playing chess not during lunch hours, complaining to the wrong people, and generally being screw-ups.
And yet, we both got into great schools, different schools, and excelled academically (probably because we weren't around to distract each other). I remember the day I left for college, anxious as hell that this might be the end of our friendship. It wasn't, and I was pretty stupid for thinking so. Friends like that only come around every now and then, and they stay with you for life.
Right now, Seth is in Korea, and I'm in New York. We've seen each other only once or twice in the last year. It's been rough, what with my own troubles (travels, breakups, depression, new jobs, new living situations) and his own (dissatisfaction with Korea, women, and the like). But, as always, we make it work. Skype, AIM, and the occasional Facebook hijack (check his wall, kids) have kept us close. When he gets back, even if he doesn't know it, he's moving to Brooklyn. We're going to start a music shop that sells a very specialized type of spoon, and Baba Yetu will play constantly in the background. Life will be great.
Until then, Seth, thanks for being a best friend and brother throughout my life. And yes, this is, in fact, a bromance. Get over it.
Hello world!
5 months ago
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