As a tinkerer, a maker, and an all-around fix-it type, I have a healthy respect for the technology that exists around me. I think, though, that I also revile it more than most.
It's this ambivalence that has struck me lately more so than earlier in my life. I think that as I was growing up, technology (specifically computer tech) grew with me and I integrated it into my being. That gave me the skills I needed to effectively become an "expert" without actually attending a single class or having any formal mentoring. At some point, though, I stopped taking the existence of technology for granted. I think at that point, maybe at the age of 18 or 19, tech started to wear on me rather than boost my energy levels.
And that's where I am today. Sitting in front of a computer all day definitely drains me. I find myself scouring the internet for new ways to be more productive and to make things more exciting. I am just as caught up in the craze of having the best and shiniest new gadgets as soon as they come out, although I tend to build rather than buy these when possible.
All this has me asking myself, where does this road end? It seems that our landfills are filling up faster and faster with the useless, disposable crap we build and sell and then throw away. That doesn't take anything away from the fact that these tools have revolutionized our way of connecting to each other. And it doesn't de-legitimize their usefulness in any way. But it does beg the question: is it worth it?
This love/hate relationship must resolve itself, I think.
a tech lover.
Hello world!
5 months ago
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